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Our history - Glencore

Xstrata plc was created through an initial public offering on the London Stock Exchange in 2002, acquiring Glencore’s Australian and South African coal assets and making it the world’s largest exporter of thermal coal. Over the next


Xstrata - Global Energy Monitor

Xstrata and coal. A November 2007 presentation to investment analysts by the President of BHP Billiton Coal, Dave Murray, noted that Xstrata had an 9% share of the global coal export trade,


Glencore finishes takeover of Xstrata - Financial Times

2013年5月2日  Glencore completed its takeover of Xstrata on Thursday, 450 days after the commodities trading house and the mining company announced what was initially planned as


Glencore-Xstrata: the story so far - Mining Technology

2012年10月3日  Glencore Xstrata International – as managers hope to call it – would be the world’s number one producer of zinc and lead and the world’s biggest exporter of coal. The merger has been on the cards for years and, in


Xstrata Company Overview News - Forbes

Xstrata PLC (Xstrata) is a diversified mining company. It focuses on copper, coking coal, thermal coal, ferrochrome, nickel, vanadium and zinc and are distributed to the construction,...


Glencore and Xstrata announce $90bn merger deal - BBC News

2012年2月7日  The new group will be the world's biggest exporter of coal for power plants, and the largest producer of zinc. Glencore chief executive Ivan Glasenberg said the merger would


Xstrata to expand coking coal operations - Financial Times

2012年3月8日  Xstrata is to expand its coking coal operations in Canada’s British Columbia with the purchase of assets from Talisman Energy for $500m, in the latest sign of demand for the



XSTRATA COAL TO ACQUIRE . FIRST COAL CORPORATION . Sydney, 28 July 2011 . Xstrata Coal has made an all-cash proposal to acquire 100% of First Coal Corporation ("First Coal") shares, options and warrants for CDN$1.75 per share. The offer valueFirst Coals , a privately-owned Canadian company, at approximately CDN$147million (US$153 million).


Xstrata - Global Energy Monitor

Xstrata and coal. A November 2007 presentation to investment analysts by the President of BHP Billiton Coal, Dave Murray, noted that Xstrata had an 9% share of the global coal export trade, making it the largest coal exporter in the world.. Xstrata's coal projects are operated under the banner of its wholly owned subsidiary Xstrata Coal. (See this page for more details on the


Xstrata Coal Queensland Pty Ltd Ors v Friends of the Earth

2012年3月27日  In Queensland, certain projects that may impact upon the environment require environmental authority prior to commencement. Xstrata applied for a mining lease and environmental authority in respect of a proposed open cut coal mine. The applicant, Friends of the Earth, objected to the coal mine project in the Land Court of Queensland.


African Rainbow Minerals (ARM) » ARM coal and Xstrata coal to

2007年7月11日  The mine will be developed through a majority black-owned and controlled joint venture, the “Goedgevonden JV”, in which ARM Coal owns a 51% share. Xstrata Coal South Africa owns the remaining 49%. ARM Coal is a black-owned and controlled coal mining company created in February 2006 and is 51% owned by African Rainbow Minerals Limited.


Career opportunities - Glencore

Interested in working for Glencore? We offer opportunities for a diverse range of dedicated, driven people. Use the link below to search for jobs anywhere in the world.


Xstrata Coal Queensland Pty. Ltd. and Others v. Friends of the

The proponent for the proposed mine, Xstrata Coal, argued that they were under no obligation to disclose the “Scope 3” emissions of a project during the environmental impact assessment process. Scope 3 emissions include indirect GHG emissions which occur at sites away from the mine, such emissions from transporting the coal and from its end-use in electricity production.


Xstrata trims down coal assets

2003年9月19日  XSTRATA has slimmed its coal mine portfolio with the sale of a 20% interest in the Newlands, Collinsville, Abbot Point Joint Venture, a 20% interest in the Oaky Creek Coal Joint Venture and a 25% interest in four Queensland projects.


Xstrata - emplois dans les mines

Ayant son siège social à Toronto, au Canada, Xstrata Nickel constitue l’une des unités commerciales de produits de base du groupe Xstrata. Nous possédons des mines et des installations de traitement au Canada, en République dominicaine et en Australie ainsi qu’une affinerie en Norvège.


Glencore finishes takeover of Xstrata - Financial Times

2013年5月2日  Glencore. completed its takeover of Xstrata on Thursday, 450 days after the commodities trading house and the mining company announced what was initially planned as a merger of equals.. Glencore ...


Xstrata to build new Queensland port - MiningMonthly

2009年10月27日  Xstrata expects the project to create 100 full-time jobs and an extra 800 during the construction phase. Documenting its reasons for the project, Xstrata said congestion at Queensland’s coal terminals had been a persistent issue for the state’s coal exports.


Xstrata Coal South Africa Pty Ltd - Company Profile and News

Company profile page for Xstrata Coal South Africa Pty Ltd including stock price, company news, executives, board members, and contact information. Skip To Content. Skip to content.


Xstrata Coal - Facebook

Xstrata Coal - Facebook


Queensland Conservation Council Inc. v. Xstrata Coal

Queensland Conservation Council Inc. v. Xstrata Coal. Filing Date: 2006. Reporter Info: [2007] QCA 338. Status: Decided. Case Categories: Suits against governments. ... An Australian state court reversed a lower tribunal’s decision, which granted an extension to Xstrata’s mining lease and denied Queensland Conservation Council (QCC) ...


Re "Xstrata Coal Queensland Pty Ltd Ors" [2007] QLRT 33

2007年3月18日  The Queensland Conservation Council (QCC) recently mounted a legal challenge to Xstrata Coal's plans to extend its Newlands coal mine in central Queensland.The case raises some significant legal and factual issues regarding the causative link between coal mining and global climate change. 1 In this case, QCC sought to force Xstrata Coal to avoid,



XSTRATA COAL TO ACQUIRE . FIRST COAL CORPORATION . Sydney, 28 July 2011 . Xstrata Coal has made an all-cash proposal to acquire 100% of First Coal Corporation ("First Coal") shares, options and warrants for CDN$1.75 per share. The offer valueFirst Coals , a privately-owned Canadian company, at approximately CDN$147million (US$153 million).


Our history - Glencore

Xstrata plc was created through an initial public offering on the London Stock Exchange in 2002, acquiring Glencore’s Australian and South African coal assets and making it the world’s largest exporter of thermal coal. Over the next decade, Xstrata grew to become one of the largest diversified mining companies in the world, with a ...



Xstrata Coal ("Xstrata") today confirms First Coal Corporation ("FFC") is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Xstrata Coal Canada, following completion of thesuccessful plan of arrangement on 4 August. The purchase of First Coal, for an all-cash consideration of CDN$147million (USD153million),


Xstrata Coal Witbank Mining Phone 013 686 9... Email

START YOUR REVIEW OF Xstrata Coal First, your rating here Your review here Optionally, you can upload up to 3 photos Click to Choose Images Or Drag and Drop them here. ABOUT US. SERVICES. SPECIALS. EVENTS. PHOTO GALLERY. DOCUMENTS. MEET THE TEAM. NEWS BLOG. × Email Xstrata Coal. Your Name. Phone No. Email. Cancel Send Message. × Close ...


Spitzkop Coal Mine - Global Energy Monitor

2024年9月19日  Prior to Imbawula (whose ownership began in 2012), Xstrata Coal owned and operated the colliery. [3] [4] Great Force Investments 178 (GFI) and Iron Light also own the Tselentis colliery . About 80% of the coal produced at Spitzkop is exported to Europe for power generation and the balance is sold on the inland market - mainly to sugar and paper mills in


Glencore Xstrata integral to SA coal fortunes - Miningmx

2013年12月6日  The parties will have to find a way, however, as tariff charges are such an integral part of the feasibility of South African coal production, especially while internationally-traded prices are depressed. Glencore Xstrata says it wants to take total average coal costs to $60/t free-on-board (FOB) which includes the cost of transport.

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