Coal is mainly mined using two methods surface or ‘opencast’ and underground mining or ‘rat hole mining’. Coal mining leads to environmental pollution as
More2015年10月27日 To study the impact of surface coal mining activities in a part of JCF, a multi-temporal analysis of Landsat (TM and OLI/TIRS) data has
MoreThe report showcases over fifty case studies of how the coal industry is contributing to economic growth, social well-being and environmental protection. It highlights the challenges and
More2022年3月1日 Carbon sequestration in coal seams can enhance the coal bed methane recovery. Methane constitutes ∼ 95% of the total number of gases present in the coal seams.
MoreGuha D. A case study on the effects of coal mining in the environment particularly in relation to soil, water and air causing a socio-economic hazard in Asansol Raniganj Area, India. Int Res J Soc Sci. 2014;3:39–42. Google
MoreThe case involved instances of poor governance of mining activities and rampant iron ore mining in the state of Karnataka by several mining companies, that resulted in huge
More3 天之前 An old abandoned coal mine of South Eastern Coalfields Ltd. (SECL, ... Environmental Implications of Mitigating Overburden Failure and Subsidences Using Paste-Like Backfill
More2020年1月1日 /publications/all-publications?search=Sustainability of Coal Mining: Case study of Dorli-Bellampalli coal mines.
More2022年5月16日 With the changing time now, continuous miners of different heights are available, which helps for optimum use of technology to mine out varying in situ height of coal
More2020年1月6日 Coal Mining and Environment: A Case Study of Dorli Opencast Coal Mines. Publication Details. Reports, 2020, (NIAS/NSE/EEP/U/RR/06/ 2020) Publication Type. Reports.
MoreCoal is mainly mined using two methods surface or ‘opencast’ and underground mining or ‘rat hole mining’. Coal mining leads to environmental pollution as well as economic loss to the local and regional governance. Coal mining is usually
More2015年10月27日 These fires are burning over nearly a century and are a major cause of air pollution, loss of vegetation and subsidence. The paper outlines the environmental issues related to coal mining in ...
More2021年3月1日 By analysing the making of the new coal geography at a national level, and scrutinizing its localised manifestation and impact through a case study of Goa state, we
More2022年3月1日 Carbon sequestration in coal seams can enhance the coal bed methane recovery. Methane constitutes ∼ 95% of the total number of gases present in the coal seams.
More2020年1月1日 /publications/all-publications?search=Sustainability of Coal Mining: Case study of Dorli-Bellampalli coal mines.
MoreIn this compendium of over fifty case studies, the coal industry demonstrates that practical progress is being made in many areas: communities and people; resource stewardship and
More3 天之前 An old abandoned coal mine of South Eastern Coalfields Ltd. (SECL, ... Environmental Implications of Mitigating Overburden Failure and Subsidences Using Paste-Like Backfill
MoreThe case involved instances of poor governance of mining activities and rampant iron ore mining in the state of Karnataka by several mining companies, that resulted in huge
More2022年5月16日 With the changing time now, continuous miners of different heights are available, which helps for optimum use of technology to mine out varying in situ height of coal
More2021年5月30日 in a Coal Mining Area: A Case Study of Jharia coal eld, India. In: Saha S, Mukherjee N, Soren R, Bhowmick S (Eds) Multidimensional Outlook on Environment.
More2019年12月13日 Dynamic simulations are powerful tools, but only if they are developed using the correct methodology, and with information that has been verified. Mining houses rely on simulation to confirm that complex, integrated
More2023年2月16日 The room-and-pillar technique is a self-supporting mining method in which part of the ore is left unmined as pillars. To increase the mining efficiency, the pillars are later recovered partially or completely. This research aims at evaluating and comparing four methods of pillar recovery, namely, ‘pocket and wing’, ‘open ending’, ‘split and fender’, and ‘Christmas
More2012年10月2日 COAL MINING – A CASE STUDY . Lokhande R D a, Murthy V M S R b, Singh K B c. a Scientist, National Institute of Rock Mechanics, KGF, Karnataka, India . b Professor, Department of Mining ...
More2021年6月16日 Download Citation An Analysis of Financial Performance of the Coal Mining Industries: A Case Study of Raniganj Coalfield of Eastern Coalfield Limited The leading coalfield of India, the ...
More2016年6月18日 2. Revamping Coal India Limited “World’s Largest Coal Producer” I. Introduction Piyush Goyal was affirmed as the Minister of State with Independent Charge for Power, Coal and New Renewable Energy in the incumbent Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2014. While a Chartered Accountant and Lawyer by
MoreIn this compendium of over fifty case studies, the coal industry demonstrates that practical progress is being made in many areas: communities and people; resource stewardship and environmental impacts; management processes and systems; and along the value chain, in co-operation with customers and suppliers.
More2012年6月14日 Goa and Karnataka provided useful case studies of the broader problems affecting India’s mining sector because they both juxtapose astonishingly serious regulatory failures with a relatively ...
More2018年4月6日 To study the impact of surface coal mining activities in a part of JCF, a multi-temporal analysis of Landsat (TM and OLI/TIRS) data has been undertaken for the years between 2006 and 2016.
MorePDF On Jan 10, 2016, E Oruonye and others published Sustainable Mining Practices in Nigeria: A Case Study of Maiganga Coal Mining in Gombe State Find, read and cite all the research you need ...