Presents the fundamentals and calculation of transmission line losses, their reduction, and economic implications • Written by a very experienced expert in this field • Introduces various
More2019年10月2日 Accurate and reasonable line loss theoretical calculation of the power sector constitutes line loss analysis, developed powerful tools to loss reduction measures, to
More2022年6月1日 The paper presents an analysis model for optimal operation efficiency of line in distribution network considering reliability and economy. Firstly, the operation efficiency of
More2022年12月21日 This paper analyzes the calculation principle of DC transmission line loss and economic current density, specific to the loss of each component of the HVDC system,
MoreIn this paper, the influence of temperature and humidity on theoretical line loss is considered, and a mathematical model for calculating synthetic line loss rate is established to eliminate the
MoreThe overall goal concerning this thesis is to identify, if OMV is able to improve its operational costs by renewing the existing flow line system, which is subject to internal corrosion by water and
MoreThe set of all Pareto-efficient allocations—that is, the Pareto efficiency curve—is the set of all points that satisfy the first-order condition, and all of the constraints that determine the
MoreThe formula for determining economic efficiency is as follows: Pareto Efficiency. In economics, the concept of efficiency most commonly used is that of Pareto Efficiency. The efficiency measure is named after Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian
MorePresents the fundamentals and calculation of transmission line losses, their reduction, and economic implications • Written by a very experienced expert in this field• Introduces various
MoreThe economic calculation problem (ECP) ... Economic efficiency depends heavily upon avoiding errors in capital investment. ... The value of capital goods is brought into line with the value of future consumer goods through competition in financial markets, ...
More2020年4月3日 Assembly line design problem consists of grouping and assigning a given set of tasks to a number of workstations so as to reduce idle time, labor cost, and maximize the throughput as well as improve line
More2020年11月23日 A calculation method for the friction coefficient and meshing efficiency of plastic line gear (LG) pair under dry friction conditions was studied theoretically and experimentally, taking a polyoxymethylene
More2022年12月21日 This paper analyzes the calculation principle of DC transmission line loss and economic current density, specific to the loss of each component of the HVDC system, studies the evaluation method of AC/DC transmission line operation efficiency that can reflect the characteristics of long-distance, large-capacity, high-voltage and clean environmental
More2021年10月1日 Capital mismatches are widespread in the economic growth process of various countries (Banerjee and Duflo, 2005; Baqaee and Farhi, 2020).In particular, serious capital redundancy and resource mismatches in emerging economies (Aoki, 2012; Bartelsman, Haltiwanger, and Scarpetta, 2013; Shang, Li, Li, and Chen, 2018; Das and Drine, 2020) have
MoreENERGY ECONOMICS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK AND PROBLEMS OF APPLICATION1. Mohan Munasinghe, in Energy Analysis and Policy, 1990. Appendix A1.1 Economic Efficiency, Energy Needs and Environmental Costs. As explained in the main text, the application of the principles of economic efficiency to both the supply and
Moreexternal diode in non-synchronous, which helps improve efficiency. Customers will estimate the efficiency of the buck converter when they choose a controller IC. For either space constrained applications or higher power designs where ambient temperature are high, accurately efficiency calculations are necessary.
More(e) Economic efficiency distinguished from technical efficiency. i. Technical efficiency: the provision of an item at the minimum possible cost; does not imply scarce resources are being well used. ii. Economic efficiency extends beyond technical efficiency. 2. Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand. (a) Perfect competition achieves economic efficiency. i.
MoreAbstract: In view of the fact that it is difficult to reasonably measure the optimal load capacity of the line under different load structures by using the " $\mathrm{N}-1$" criterion in the current evaluation process of the operation efficiency of medium voltage distribution lines, it fails to fully consider the economics of line operation under different load structures., Proposed a ...
More2020年10月9日 Over the past few decades, industrial development has caused a dramatic increment in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as a leading cause of climate change. Modifying the industrial plants' environmental performance is the main pillar of improving efficiency that can reduce the waste of resources and make achieving lower-cost global emission reduction
More1975年12月1日 Consequently, it is recommended that the Taggart expres- sion be used as a basis for calculating technical efficiency. ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY The expression was used by Taggart for calculation of classifier efficiencies, and has been criticised for that application on the grounds that the size distri- bution of oversize in classifier overflow is ...
MoreAbstract: In view of the fact that it is difficult to reasonably measure the optimal load capacity of the line under different load structures by using the " $\mathrm{N}-1$" criterion in the current evaluation process of the operation efficiency of medium voltage distribution lines, it fails to fully consider the economics of line operation under different load structures., Proposed a ...
MoreBalancing Cost and Economic Efficiency: ... the 3-D arrangement of several efficient sectors to ensure that the simulation of delivery ways is realistic and in line with the real dynamics of ... In this context, QT represents the change factor between time and money. Equation (20) provides the calculation for the cost of power used through ...
Morecalculation of the attained Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for new ships, 1. ADOPTS the 2014 Guidelines on the method of calculation of the attained Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for new ships, as set out in the annex to the present resolution; 2.
More2024年9月18日 3.1 Data Collection and Waste Elimination. The first step in improving the efficiency of a production line is to measure the indicators of the current state, starting with identifying and defining the operations and initial number of the line's workstations (N), then timing their cycle times, and summing them to calculate the total process time, and collecting
MoreLeibniz 5.8.1. The Pareto efficiency curve. For an introduction to the Leibniz series, please see ‘Introducing the Leibnizes’.. There are many feasible allocations resulting from the interaction between Angela and Bruno; for example, we have looked at the allocation that Bruno would impose if he could use force, and at the allocation he chooses when he can make a take-it-or
More2022年11月1日 For centuries, transportation has been a catalyst for economic development. Maritime transport, in particular, carries approximately 80 % of the volume of global goods representing the sea routes and highways for international maritime trade [1].Reducing CO 2 emissions from maritime transport has become one of the environmental challenges
MoreEconomic efficiency is, in mathematical terms, a function of the ratio of the actual value of an economic variable divided by the potential value of that same economic variable. Economic Efficiency Formula. Economic efficiency is basically just a measure of how good things are economically, compared to how good they could potentially be. The ...
MoreIn his 1920 essay “Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth,” Ludwig von Mises argued that economic ... namely how to ascertain numerically whether a specific quantity of a factor of production is better served in one line of ... Dynamic Efficiency in a Planned Economy: Innovation and ...
Moreexternal diode in non-synchronous, which helps improve efficiency. Customers will estimate the efficiency of the buck converter when they choose a controller IC. For either space constrained applications or higher power designs where ambient temperature are high, accurately efficiency calculations are necessary.