In this paper, we propose an energy-efficient iceberg query processing technique in sensor networks. To compactly represent the data transmitted, a lossless sensor data compression
More2014年12月1日 In this paper, we propose an energy-efficient iceberg query processing technique in sensor networks. To compactly represent the data transmitted, a lossless
MoreThe iceberg query finds data whose aggregate values exceed a pre-specified threshold. To process an iceberg query in sensor networks, all sensor data have to be aggregated and
MoreThis paper proposes an energy-efficient iceberg query processing technique in sensor networks using the temporal correlation of sensor data and the semantics of an iceberg
MoreEfficient Iceberg Query Processing in Sensor Networks . × Close Log In. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. or. Email. Password. Remember me on this computer. or reset password.
More2011年1月28日 Therefore, in this paper, we propose and describe an Incremental Join Algorithm (IJA) in Sensor Networks to reduce the overhead caused by moving a join pair to the final join node or to minimize the
More2017年8月29日 In this paper, we study the problem of iceberg join processing in wireless sensor networks. The iceberg join query only includes a small fraction of data in its result
More2017年1月1日 In this paper, we study the problem of iceberg join processing in wireless sensor networks. The iceberg join query only includes a small fraction of data in its result set, yet, still
More2015年3月12日 In this paper, we investigate the in-network processing of a special type of equijoin query called iceberg join in WSNs. It is to retrieve the frequent patterns of correlation among the sensor readings.
More2013年10月21日 In this paper, we propose an energy-efficient iceberg query processing technique in sensor networks. To compactly represent the data transmitted, a lossless sensor
MoreEfficient Iceberg Query Processing in Sensor Networks. Cited 0 time in Cited 0 time in . Hit : 497; Download : 0; Export. DC(XML) Excel. Yang, Hee Jung ...
More2017年8月29日 In this paper, we study the problem of iceberg join processing in wireless sensor networks. The iceberg join query only includes a small fraction of data in its result set, yet, still contains the most 'interesting' and useful data
More2017年1月1日 We investigate the in-network processing of an iceberg join query in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). An iceberg join is a special type of join where only those joined tuples whose cardinality ...
MoreOne of main features in sensor networks is the function that processes real time state information after gathering needed ... an efficient algorithm for query processing in sensor networks Sensors (Basel). 2011;11(2):1682-92. doi: 10.3390/s110201682. Epub 2011 Jan 28. Authors Hyun Chang Lee 1 , Young Jae ...
More2017年8月29日 The proposed algorithm SRJA is output sensitive and adopts a progressive refinement strategy for the query processing, which fully utilises the iceberg threshold to filter out tuples that do not contribute to the final result set at early stages, saving lots of transmissions. A new class of monitoring applications is emerging, in which multiple embedded devices are
More2017年8月29日 A new class of monitoring applications is emerging, in which multiple embedded devices are deployed to sense the physical world and a large amount of data is injected into the network. Yet, existing monitoring algorithms usually output a result set that is trivial for users and too expensive for the resource-constraint network. In this paper, we study the problem of
More2010年6月1日 It is however even more interesting to see how such a query can be properly processed in a distributed environment, such as in a sensor network [8], [19], [35]. A few applications of skyline query in sensor networks can be as follows. Sensor networks are often used to support surveillance services of horticultural environments [29].
More2011年3月10日 Reverse skyline query plays an important role in many sensing applications, such as environmental monitoring, habitat monitoring, and battlefield monitoring. Due to the limited power supplies of wireless sensor nodes, the existing centralized approaches, which do not consider energy efficiency, cannot be directly applied to the distributed sensor
MoreA new class of monitoring applications is emerging, in which multiple embedded devices are deployed to sense the physical world and a large amount of data is injected into the network. Yet, existing monitoring algorithms usually output a result set that is trivial for users and too expensive for the resource-constraint network. In this paper, we study the problem of iceberg join
More2004年3月3日 Smart sensors are small wireless computing devices that sense information such as light and humidity at extremely high resolutions. A smart sensor query-processing architecture using database technology can facilitate deployment of sensor networks. Smart-sensor technology enables a broad range of ubiquitous computing applications. Their low
MoreEfficient Iceberg Query Processing in Sensor Networks . × Close Log In. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. or. Email. Password. Remember me on this computer. or reset password. Enter the email address you ... Efficient Iceberg Query Processing in Sensor Networks. Chin-Wan Chung. 2013, The Computer Journal.
More2008年5月8日 Wireless sensor networks have been widely used in many environmental monitoring applications [].In most of these applications, aggregate queries, such as SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE (AVG), MIN and MAX, are often used as statistics collected from sensors [12, 13, 22].However, it is known that data collected from sensors are often noisy for various
More2015年6月29日 An efficient verifiable top-k query processing scheme called EVTQ is proposed, which is capable of verifying the authentication and completeness of the results, and experiments show the proposed method is more efficiency than previous works. Tiered wireless sensor network is a network model of flexibility and robustness, which consists of the
More2019年6月30日 Owing to the rapid advent of wireless technology and proliferation of smart sensors, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been widely used to monitor and query the physical world in many applications based on the Internet of Things (IoT), such as environmental monitoring and event surveillance. A WSN can be treated as a distributed database to respond
More2020年8月25日 A Query Processing Framework for Efficient Network Resource Utilization in Shared Sensor Networks. Authors: Rahul Kumar Verma, K. K. Pattanaik, ... The cougar approach to in-network query processing in sensor networks. ACM SIGMOD Rec. 31, 3 (2002), 9--18. Digital Library. Google Scholar
More2020年8月25日 This article proposes an end-to-end query processing framework that first, calculates the functional requirements similarity among queries to prevent the redundant task generation, and takes the QoS and functional requirements into account while allocating the tasks on the sensor nodes. Shared Sensor Network (SSN) refers to a scenario where the same
More2011年2月1日 Query processing in sensor networks. ... Our experimental results have confirmed that our approach is resource-efficient with regard to the in-network communication and on-board computation.
More2010年6月1日 It is however even more interesting to see how such a query can be properly processed in a distributed environment, such as in a sensor network [8], [19], [35]. A few applications of skyline query in sensor networks can be as follows. Sensor networks are often used to support surveillance services of horticultural environments [29].
More2018年4月20日 Several previous studies [] and [] have been done to achieve energy efficiency, good QoS as well as acceptable quality of information (QoI) in sensor network.Moreover, to achieve energy efficiency, different approaches have been undertaken as mentioned in Sect. 3.2 (data aggregation schemes and routing protocols). All of the above works have focused mainly
More2015年7月20日 Advances in miniaturization of devices equipped with sensing, computing and communication capabilities have spurred significant interest in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) as a tool for distributed data gathering, field estimation, and query processing. WSNs provide the capability of monitoring any given physical phenomena, reporting up to date