GUIDETTI EKO GAMMA and TURBO MILL; prev. next. Category: Active. GUIDETTI EKO GAMMA and TURBO MILL. Download technical specifications; Description. Name (required) Company (required) Country (required) Email
MoreScopri la gamma di prodotti Guidetti Recycling, macchine compatte progettate per rispondere alle esigenze di riciclo del cliente con una qualità insuperabile. Granulatori per cavi elettrici ed
MoreGUIDETTI EKO GAMMA si MOARA TURBO; Categorie: Promotii active. GUIDETTI EKO GAMMA cu MOARA TURBO . Descarca specificatii tehnice; Descriere. Nume Companie Tara
MoreOur Products. Our machines have reached the highest level of separation and soundproofing. Easy to operate, they separate materials based on their dimensions and specific weight, thus
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MoreThe quot;SINCROquot; Series,on the market for more than 10 years,have been designed for the recycling of electric cables (copper and aluminium) through their granulation and
MoreThe F EKO separators have been designed to separate granulated materials, ground stuff and grains having the same particle size but different specific weight. The continuous running and the air flow adjustment, make the F EKO
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MoreDie neue Serie der ultra-kompakten Granulatoren SINCRO EKO für das Recycling von Kupfer- und Aluminiumkabeln ist in 4 Modellen. HOME; ÜBER UNS; MRP Horizon 2020; Unser Service. UCHEN SIE IHREN KOSTENLOSEN MASCHINEN; ... f.guidetti@guidettisrl. Guidetti ASIA. 18 Kasem Samran 10 Alley, Khlong Tan Nuea, Watthana, Bangkok 10110 -Thailand ...
MoreGUIDETTI EAST SRL Str. Ioan Virgil Ispas bl.14. ap.3 – 555300 Cisnadie Sibiu – Romania Identif. code / VAT Nr. RO36183030 ... Our products. Compact granulators – Eko Line; Granulators with Turbo Mill; Compact Granulators –
MoreVoir les fiches techniques pour Guidetti CAESAR 2 de l'année 2017 - 2024. Obtenez un aperçu plus profond pour Guidetti CAESAR 2 avec les revues techniques en LECTURA Specs. ... Poids opérationnel: 6.5t – Longueur ouverture de concasseur: 0.53m – Largeur ouverture de concasseur: 0.4m – Longueur en transport ...
MoreGuidetti is committed to developing technologies. We pay attention to every detail including researching new management methods and developing recycling systems. To be the best for metal recycling machinery manufacturers. We are an
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MoreDécouvrez la nouvelle série de granulateurs SINCRO EKO ultracompacts pour le recyclage des câbles en cuivre et en aluminium. Demander un devis. HOME; À PROPOS DE NOUS; Innovation; NOS PRESTATIONS. ... E-mail: f.guidetti@guidettisrl. Guidetti ASIA. 18 Kasem Samran 10 Alley, Khlong Tan Nuea, Watthana, Bangkok 10110 -Thailand. Phone: +66 ...
MoreConcasseur Guidetti Caesar I, année 2020, 268 heures de travail, poids 3200 kg, moteur Isuzu 29 hp, broyeurs à machoires, dimension bouche d'alimentation 450x280 mm, production horaire 20 mt3/h, taille matériel entrant 20x50 mm, capacité trémie de chargement 0,8 mt3.
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MoreScopri la gamma di prodotti Guidetti Recycling, macchine compatte progettate per rispondere alle esigenze di riciclo del cliente con una qualità insuperabile. Granulatori per cavi elettrici ed elettronici, macchine per recupero rame dalla plastica e riciclaggio da scarti industriali.. Consumi ottimizzati e manutenzione minima per macchine che garantiscono la massima qualità dei
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MoreThe quot;SINCROquot; Series,on the market for more than 10 years,have been designed for the recycling of electric cables (copper and aluminium) through their granulation and successive separation of metal from the insulation material (PVC,rubber,PE,paper.).All. guidetti crusher pdf greenvboutique guidetti copper crusher eko gamma guidetti ...
MoreGUIDETTI EKO GAMMA si MOARA TURBO; Categorie: Promotii active. GUIDETTI EKO GAMMA cu MOARA TURBO . Descarca specificatii tehnice; Descriere. Nume Companie Tara Email. Telefon. Please leave this field empty. Prev MASINA RECICLARE CABLURI GUIDETTI SINCRO 315 C. Next SISTEM ASPIRATIE PRAF DE METAL.
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MoreDécouvrez la nouvelle série de granulateurs SINCRO EKO ultracompacts pour le recyclage des câbles en cuivre et en aluminium. Demander un devis. HOME; À PROPOS DE NOUS; Innovation; NOS PRESTATIONS. ... E-mail: f.guidetti@guidettisrl. Guidetti ASIA. 18 Kasem Samran 10 Alley, Khlong Tan Nuea, Watthana, Bangkok 10110 -Thailand. Phone: +66 ...